Track of At[o]m
Aug. 2012
W1120 x D410 x H1700 (mm)
137MHz QFH Antenna, Radio receiver, 20W Stereo speakers, Stereo audio cables, Monitors, Mac mini, Audio interface, self-made MIDI controller
installation & performance
Venue: Berlin (Germany)
Lat:52.503760 / Lon:13.424796
Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
This artwork is the performance with receiving the radio wave from weather satellite*. That waves, ordinary, can be received when the satellite is going above our head. In short, if a person who are watching this performance in realtime, they might be able to imagine that which is beyond the sky. The Atmosphere exist between a point of view from micro (human's persepective) and from macro (satellite's persepective). And that is changing time to time. To see those phenomena with any conscious would have a relation to be thinking about scenery around us.
* (NOAA : The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)